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Uncle Tom signs with the NBA

28 Mar

Chris Broussard is lite skin. The lite ones are always more militant. This is NOT a bad thing. This is NOT ghetto mess. This is a well represented monologue about the black community, sports and development.  His point are excellent and ‘on point’. Go Chris, with your knowledge and representation. So few usually speak up like say a Muhammad Ali in sports now. Even when it comes to defending team mates. This topic went on from behind comentator desks, to the locker room, to the court, to the college. Jalen Rose, was he wrong for his statements. He comes from a different lifestyle. Grant Hill, showing his intellegence in the letter, was it too overboard or an extreme act of class. Chris B gives the big examples. There is no beef, just careless word play about a much bigger issue.

The Decision: Reloaded (Lebron)

28 Mar

We’re not gonna talk about how bad/ good the heat are doing. I did that in the And Death is her sister piece. The logic here is that Lebron is someone that has always had us wait. Cleveland fans, if you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it. Best record in the NBA two years in a row. City rejuvenated, hometown hero, blah blah. I’d be mad too, especially now now, like in March. As a team there coulda been a better talent brought in. The Heat….ugh. The Decision was long and drawn out, but the foreshadowing is crazy…

Why wait: Who’s your Daddy

28 Mar

All young kids usually want is a parent to be there, no matter what. This is why some dads just dont show up. No…that’s wrong, they prob didnt show up cause there was a young lady envolved that wasnt your motha. Duke player gets owned by VT crowd and makes dad want a Snickers…

Friday Footwear: Super CB

25 Mar

Retro Jordans, Old Penny’s, even the old Garnetts and Chris Webbers are always sure to turn heads. The Spaulding Hakeem Olajuwon’s with the BIG 34 on the side even will grab you…cause they were hot to be Spauldings. The retro line that has maintained a similar popularity, i’d have to say, are the Charles Barkleys. I always liked them and they sell. They never quite have the color ways you’d expect but the classic black and classic purple and orange always get attention.

Charles had a line late late in the game i doubt you may have seen. Like all his shoes, they are soft and comfortable with a in lace that basically made you able to take out your laces. The tongue was secured to give that sock feel. (Buy a size or half size down and you are ball’n without laces). This shoe was no different, only Barkley was near the end (at the end) of his career and the design was not extreme like the earlier versions. Check out the Nike Air Super CB.

Hanes Ditches Charlie Sheen

24 Mar

How much drugs can Charlie Sheen do….enough to kill two and a half men…Charlie Sheen is also no longer with Hanes…i liked those commercials. Michael Jordan…Charlie the stalker. They dont know Mike lives that life too….??? Here is the nonsense



Poft Zorn: Trojan Tiger

22 Mar

“Words can not express how deeply sorry I am for not killing these women afterward and/ or calling them from a Trakfone of some sort. Voice mails. I was wrong. I shoulda hollered at a player before I started playing.”

Its been run into the ground about Tiger. The Asian golf GIANT. The messege here goes beyond that though. Wrap it up. Latex condoms are your best protection from STDs during intercourse. Only latex condoms are considered effective protection against STDs. Birth control pills, diaphragms, sponges, and other contraceptives do not prevent STDs.

I can’t speak for all Philadelphians: Phill-these

14 Mar

First of all, there are a couple choice words I have to say to San Fran and thier great season last year that don’t rhyme with congratulate. In fact it would seem more like hate. I want to take care of home first though. San Fran (in my San Fran alternative lifestyle voice) We won, we’re the champs, with our Sparta beards and long haired-ness). In my New York Yankees voice. “You know San Fran won because they had a gimmick. Way back it was the pin strips for the Yankees. People were excited about the pinstripes and the for San Fran it was the hair. Beards and long locks and mohawks. The people came for the style, they couldn’t name 5 players. Like who is that guy that was smacking them out the park every game. NO idea. But you you remember their weirdo pitchers don’t you. 

Ok now in a south Philly voice, “Yo, Philly is back baby, we are gonna beat ASS like a rented mule this year”. Pitching is maxed. Ego’s driven. $alaries no longer an issue. Philly has always been Werth it, but our direction this year is to win Win WIN. No more seeing how it goes, or dealing with attitudes.  We are our attitude and that attitude is sparked by getting our ass kicked last year. We don’t want to win, We HAVE TO WIN IT ALL THIS YEAR. Respect us and our video game comercials and our tv spots and magazine ads. Philly is back baby 1980, 2008, 2011-2012 Champs. You might not have heard it here first, but the picture below is my inspiration.


Kobe Wan Kenobi

7 Mar

I didn’t used to like Michael Jordan. But I had to respect him. I didnt like Kobe (insert all his mistakes and wins against my favorite teams here).  Not to disrespect him though, he will never be MJ. See how i wrote MJ and you already know who sans the picture.

Kobe copied a lot of people over his career.  Tracy McGrady with leg sleeve, Iverson with arm sleeve, headband of Rasheed, fist pump and tongue of MJ, attitude of KG (that crazy Kobe face KG been doing since high school). He has copied but I think KB24 has finally found his way. He sat and watched, played with greats and now is a great. Get that money playboy.

One will never be Jordan, even with a early start in the league it’s is safe to say no one will ever be Jordan simply because everyone compares their game to MJ. Except Wilt…Wilt said to Jordan “Once they change the game for you, then you’ll be as good as me) *as a side not, they did change the rules for Allen Iverson. (More players respect A.I. more than you realize)

Jay Z of Basketball

kobe won kinobi

kobe won kenobi

And Death is her sister (Miami Heat Edition)

7 Mar


If  you’ve watched a Miami Heat game this year they lost AND you were disgusted…then I got news for you. The NBA is fixed, or David Stern hands out punishments like no other. # 1 The refs call bogus calls is not number # 1….NO. # 1 is the Cleveland Cavilers  that won over 60 games with Lebron and a talentless squad. Yes you would take BIBBY or HOUSE over MO WILLIAMS. Yes YOU would take JAMES JONES over BOOBIE GIBSON. They have Big Z and who ever their power was, you would take Olympic Gold Medalist Chris Bosh over him. And you have D WAD3. He won 40-50 games, by himself and HASLEM, and fought hard in playoffs. SO you mean to tell me with Lebrons skills, the Heat aren’t better than his old Cavilers?

Before I go in like gone. Lebron has been sitting whole 3rd quarters and not taking shots. Bosh shot 1 for 19 one game and was given that opportunity but when he shot 9 for 14 he got no touches. Wade, where are you…oh in the lane throwing up prayers. Anyway. I still want the Heat to make some noise.

Advice: PLAY DEFENSE (I may be, I may be, I may be WRONG), STOP PLAYING like A-holes cause you don’t have the season in your hands yet, and most importantly….have a designated game plan of who stars each night based on the match up afforded to you that night. (It’s Bosh and Wade nite, it’s James nite and we support this player…btw it shouldn’t be a Dampier nite or a bench player night but maybe a 6 man bench team nite)… SIMPLY STUFF.

3 superstars that carried their individual teams and have GOLD medals should not be struggling like this at all. BTW HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOUBLE TEAMING OTHER TEAMS AND NO ONE DOUBLE TEAMS YOU….?

Box of Arting:Cassius Clay Art

4 Mar

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) some say parquet…cool art done with speed bags to honor the Boxing Legend . Made of 1300 speed bags, the side views do it no justice.

1300 speed bags

1300 speed bags

Mike Tyson shoulda did stand up and boxing

25 Feb

Add role model and he would be a triple threat. Pigeon whisper like it’s a bad thing.

art by cezl

art by cezl

Friday Footwear: Melo Colorway

25 Feb

Kicks for the weekend courtesy of . Melo is now on the Knicks sporting the #7 jersey and the Melo M7’s. The marketing in NY is gonna be crazy as the power blue white and gold shoes he’s been wearing all these years. Now color ways are gonna make sense and the cash will pour in. Get that money playboy.

Clay Freeekn Matthews IS Thor

25 Feb

So the only way the Packers beat the Green Hot Eagles is because the have a Norse god on there team. They (yes the people) are even making a movie out of it. Clay Matthew is tough and does remind me of the Thor.

Nuts and bolts…You got screwed

25 Feb

Baron Davis (My man 50 grand) has been traded away from Rim Reaper Blake Griffin and the Clippers to serve a NBA life/ season of  suffering on the team with the worst record in NBA and THE yes THE worst season in the NBA in Cleveland OH HI Hoe. With the Cavaliers. Oh it aint gonna be pretty. Lets hope he does take a snap and and at least goes somewhere else.

art gif by cezl
art gif by cezl

click image for natural progression

I cant speak for all Philadelphians

23 Feb

But even here his girlfriend wife person is still hotter than your girlfriend wife person. Philly pride is a mutha and too cool to be embarrassed.